Art of Revelation: A Visual Encounter with the Jewish Bible
$120 incl. shipping
Over a hundred full and double page color spreads that come alive through a wide range of rich colors, dramatic light, and surprising interpretations of the weekly Torah reading.
A visual encounter enhanced with commentary that reveals hidden layers in the art, as well as in the biblical narrative.
Art that engages all the senses, heart, mind and soul.
An exploration of the depth, the power, the beauty and wisdom of the "Book of Books."
An inspiring book that encourages repeated viewings and sharing with others.

“Art of Revelation engages the mind while being a digestible book that will capture the hearts and imaginations of experts and novices who appreciate fine art. Raanan’s paintings reflect the inner dimension of the events, people, laws, and stories of the Torah, speaking in metaphors that slip into viewers’ minds and touch them in a visceral way.” (
“I have always believed that Torah is so much more than words. Some people may actually connect with it better through other means like pictures or music. Yoram’s artistic gift, coupled with his wife’s interpretations, is a new and fresh way to look at familiar Scriptures”. (
The book is gorgeous, and the accompanying text is enough to understand the theme, but to also allow the reader to appreciate the art at his own level. The sheer heft of the book may mean it will have to sit on the coffee table; nevertheless, this beautiful volume is highly recommended for reviewing the weekly Torah reading, for enjoying art for art’s sake, and in any curriculum that includes Jewish art or the parsha. It also makes a lovely gift. (Chava Pinchuck, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel)
"One of the things that may strike you as you leaf through the coffee table book is the sheer energy that leaps out from every page" (The Jerusalem Post)
“This beautiful edition has graced my coffee table in the living room for weeks and I have yet to tire from opening it and reading and simply looking. Already several people have asked me where they can get this book.
The flow of colors and design in this book transmit so much to the viewer. As a reader/viewer, I am left with the thought that each time I look through the pages of this book, there is more to be seen. This book would make an incredible gift for anyone who appreciates beauty.” (Paula Stern, Maale Adumim, Israel)
I received the book, it is beautiful, and the commentary is very thoughtful—a good balance between learned and heartfelt/observational.
(Marc Michael Epstein, Professor of Religion and Visual Culture ,Vassar College.)